How can I get a copy of Octopuddle?
Please click the word STORE in the upper right for purchase.
Is this a one-off comic or a series?
A series.
Finite or infinite series?
A finite series.
How many issues are there going to be?
Probably somewhere between four & eight.
When’s the next one coming out?
Late 2020? Somepoint 2021? There’re a few other non-OP projects in the pipeline, so it’s difficult to tell.
Is Octopuddle all-ages?
There’s a bit of sudden violence in it, so I’m going to say no for now.
Is there going to be a web or e-book version?
Currently there aren’t plans for as much, but that could change.
And it’s how many pages?
And it’s blue! Did you draw it on blue paper?
No, everything was drawn on white paper.
White paper! What does it look like on white paper?
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